accommodation on hökfors
For the driven hunts, roe buck hunts and wild boar hunts, there is accommodatin included on the farm "Hökfors". The standard is low but practical, with big space and room for all equipment, dogs and hunters. There are sleeping rooms, dinner room, toilets, shower and a small coocking pentry to coock and do the dishes.There is also a fire place outside to grab a beer by the fire place efter the hunt. Hökfors farm, are breeding an exclisive type of cettle for meat production, caaled "Wagyu". It's meat are famous for the tenderness and taste and the fat is up to 50% in the meat. On request, a tour on the farm or exclusive barbecue for tasting and purchasing this meat can be arranged. In that case, let me know at least one week up front. Check out the link to the farm below.