On my driven hunts I keep the safety high, I use experienced dogs an action all day long. Theese are some of the ingredients, that will give us days to remember for long time. I use 3-4 dogs lose at the same time in areas abot 75 to 100 hectars (one hectar=10 000 sqm) We run about 3 drives per day for aprox 1,5-2 hours each.
We draw lots obout the stands and every one has the same chans to get a good chans for something to shoot. Experienced people from my crew, will guide you out to the stands and also bring you back in after the drive. I have special trained dogs and men to take care about wonded game and tracking the down. I only keep one driven hunt per area and month, to make every hunt as successfull as possible. My driven hunts are 2-days hunts, where you arrive the night before the hunt, and we have a dinner together.
Day one is a full hunting day. Day two we stop arround 14:00. Accommodation and food is included. The food is set like; dinner with two dishes the arriving night. Koffe or tea in the first and second morning. Brunch in the forrest after the first drive both hunting days and dinner with two dishes after the first hunting day. 12 hunters are included in the package. No throphy fees. Meat can be bought by the hunters after the hunt. My crew participates in the hunt, but are not allowed to shoot throphy game, those are only for you as customers. In total we will be 15-16 hunters. Right now I have driven hunts availeble at "Hökfors farm" 200km south of Stockholm.
price 2 days driven hunt: 80 000 sek + tax (25%), incl accommodation and food for 12 hunters.
Price 2 days driven hunt incl accomodation but without food and cleaning service: 60 000sek + tax for 12 hunters.